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VectorStore to Document


The VectorStore to Document feature allows you to retrieve and customize documents from a vector store based on a given query. This powerful tool enables you to fine-tune the context returned from your vector database and manipulate the data through various operations.

Key Benefits

  • Customizable document retrieval from vector stores
  • Flexible integration with other chains for data manipulation
  • Can be used as an ending node for easy application integration

How to Use

  1. Connect a Vector Store to the "Vector Store" input.
  2. (Optional) Provide a specific query in the "Query" input. If left empty, the user's question will be used.
  3. (Optional) Set a "Minimum Score (%)" to filter out less relevant documents.
  4. Choose the desired output format: "Document," "Text," or "Ending Node."

Unstructured Folder Loader Configuration & Drop UI

Tips and Best Practices

  1. Customizing Context: Use the "Query" input to refine the context retrieved from the vector store. This allows you to focus on specific aspects of your data.

  2. Data Manipulation: Leverage the "Document" output to chain this node with other nodes for further data processing. For example:

    • Use a text splitter to break down long documents
    • Apply a summarization chain to condense the information
    • Implement custom filtering or transformation logic
  3. Integration as an Ending Node: Utilize the "Ending Node" output to seamlessly integrate this feature into your applications. This is particularly useful for:

    • Retrieving relevant documents for display in a user interface
    • Providing context to other AI models or tools
  4. Fine-tuning Relevance: Adjust the "Minimum Score (%)" to control the quality of returned documents. A higher percentage will result in more relevant but potentially fewer documents.

  5. Optimizing for ChatGPT Integration: When using this feature as a tool for ChatGPT:

    • Use the "Text" output to provide a concatenated string of relevant information
    • Adjust the query and minimum score to ensure the most pertinent information is passed to ChatGPT


  1. No documents returned:

    • Check if your minimum score is set too high
    • Verify that your query is relevant to the content in your vector store
    • Ensure your vector store is properly populated with data
  2. Irrelevant documents:

    • Try increasing the minimum score
    • Refine your query to be more specific
    • Review the contents of your vector store to ensure it contains the expected data
  3. Performance issues:

    • If retrieval is slow, consider optimizing your vector store or reducing the number of documents returned

Example Use Cases

  1. Custom Knowledge Base: Use this feature to create a tailored knowledge base for a chatbot, retrieving only the most relevant information based on user queries.

  2. Document Summarization Pipeline: Chain this node with a summarization node to automatically generate summaries of the most relevant documents for a given topic.

  3. ChatGPT Integration: Implement this as a tool for ChatGPT to provide it with up-to-date, internal information from your vector store, allowing for more accurate and context-aware responses.

  4. Dynamic Content Filtering: Use this node as part of a larger chain to dynamically filter and present content in a user interface based on user preferences or behavior.

By leveraging the VectorStore to Document feature, you can create powerful, context-aware applications that make the most of your vector database while providing flexibility in how you process and present the retrieved information.