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Upstash Redis-Backed Chat Memory


The Upstash Redis-Backed Chat Memory is a powerful feature in AnswerAI that allows you to store and retrieve conversation history using Upstash Redis. This memory solution provides persistent storage for chat messages, enabling long-term memory capabilities for your AI applications.

Key Benefits

  • Persistent Storage: Safely store conversation history in Upstash Redis for long-term retention.
  • Scalable Solution: Leverage Upstash Redis's scalability to handle large volumes of chat data.
  • Flexible Configuration: Customize session management and memory retrieval to suit your specific needs.

How to Use

  1. Add the Upstash Redis-Backed Chat Memory node to your AnswerAI workflow canvas.

Upstash Redis-Backed Chat Memory Node Configuration & Drop UI

  1. Configure the node with the following parameters:

    • Upstash Redis REST URL: Enter your Upstash Redis instance URL (e.g., https://<your-url>
    • Session Id: (Optional) Specify a unique identifier for the chat session. If not provided, a random ID will be generated.
    • Session Timeouts: (Optional) Set the time-to-live (TTL) for chat sessions in seconds. Omit this to make sessions never expire.
    • Memory Key: Set the key used to store chat history (default is chat_history).
  2. Connect your Upstash Redis credential:

    • Click on the "Connect Credential" option.
    • Select or create an "Upstash Redis Memory API" credential with your Upstash REST token.

Upstash Redis Memory API credential & Drop UI

  1. Connect the Upstash Redis-Backed Chat Memory node to other nodes in your workflow that require access to chat history.

Tips and Best Practices

  1. Session Management: Use unique session IDs for different conversations or users to keep chat histories separate.
  2. Security: Always use credentials to secure your Upstash Redis connection. Never expose your Upstash REST token in client-side code.
  3. Performance: Consider setting appropriate session timeouts to manage memory usage and storage costs.
  4. Scalability: Upstash Redis is designed to handle high loads, making it suitable for applications with many concurrent users.


  1. Connection Issues:

    • Ensure your Upstash Redis REST URL is correct and accessible.
    • Verify that your Upstash REST token is valid and has the necessary permissions.
  2. Missing Chat History:

    • Check if the correct session ID is being used across interactions.
    • Verify that the session hasn't expired if you've set a session timeout.
  3. Performance Concerns:

    • If experiencing slow responses, consider optimizing your Redis usage or upgrading your Upstash plan.

API Reference

For advanced usage and custom implementations, refer to the Upstash Redis client API documentation:

import { Redis } from '@upstash/redis'

// Initialize Redis client
const client = new Redis({
url: 'https://<your-url>',
token: 'your-upstash-rest-token'

// Example: Storing a message
await client.lpush('sessionId', JSON.stringify(messageObject))

// Example: Retrieving messages
const messages = await client.lrange('sessionId', 0, -1)

For more detailed information on available methods and options, consult the @upstash/redis npm package documentation.