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Cohere Embeddings


Cohere Embeddings is a powerful feature in AnswerAI that allows you to generate embeddings for a given text using the Cohere API. Embeddings are numerical representations of text that capture semantic meaning, making them useful for various natural language processing tasks.

Key Benefits

  • Generate high-quality embeddings for text analysis and processing
  • Flexible options for different use cases, including search, classification, and clustering
  • Seamless integration with Cohere's advanced embedding models

How to Use

To use the Cohere Embeddings feature in AnswerAI, follow these steps:

  1. Add the Cohere Embeddings node to your workflow.
  2. Configure the node settings: a. Connect your Cohere API credential. b. Select the embedding model. c. Choose the input type for your use case.
  3. Connect the node to your input source and output destination.
  4. Run your workflow to generate embeddings.

Cohere Embeddings Node Configuration Panel & Drop UI

Connecting Your Credential

  1. Click on the "Connect Credential" dropdown.
  2. Select an existing Cohere API credential or create a new one.
  3. If creating a new credential, enter your Cohere API key.

Selecting the Model

  1. Click on the "Model Name" dropdown.
  2. Choose from the available embedding models (e.g., "embed-english-v2.0").

Choosing the Input Type

  1. Click on the "Type" dropdown.
  2. Select the appropriate input type for your use case:
    • search_document: For encoding documents to store in a vector database for search use-cases.
    • search_query: For querying your vector database to find relevant documents.
    • classification: For using embeddings as input to a text classifier.
    • clustering: For clustering embeddings.

Tips and Best Practices

  1. Choose the appropriate input type based on your specific use case to optimize embedding performance.
  2. Experiment with different embedding models to find the best fit for your task.
  3. When using embeddings for search, use search_document for indexing and search_query for querying to ensure optimal results.
  4. Keep your Cohere API key secure and never share it publicly.


  1. If you encounter authentication errors, double-check your Cohere API key in the credential settings.
  2. Ensure you have an active Cohere API subscription with sufficient quota for your embedding needs.
  3. If you experience slow performance, consider using a more powerful embedding model or optimizing your input data.

For more information on Cohere embeddings and their capabilities, refer to the official Cohere documentation.