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Chat Feedback

The ChatFeedback component allows administrators to configure feedback options for the chatbot interface. This component is part of the chatbot configuration settings.


The main purpose of this component is to enable or disable the chat feedback feature in the chatbot interface.


Enable/Disable Chat Feedback

  • A simple toggle switch allows you to turn the chat feedback feature on or off.
  • When enabled, users will have the ability to provide feedback on the chatbot's responses.

How to Use

  1. Accessing the Settings:

    • Navigate to the chatbot configuration interface.
    • Locate the "Chat Feedback" section.
  2. Enabling/Disabling Chat Feedback:

    • Use the toggle switch labeled "Enable chat feedback" to turn the feature on or off.
    • When the switch is on (blue), chat feedback is enabled.
    • When the switch is off (gray), chat feedback is disabled.
  3. Saving Changes:

    • After adjusting the setting, click the "Save" button to apply your changes.
    • A success message will appear if the settings are saved successfully.

Important Notes

  • Changes take effect immediately after saving.
  • If you encounter any errors while saving, an error message will be displayed with details.
  • The chat feedback status is stored as part of the chatbot's configuration and is associated with the specific chatflow.

Technical Details

  • The component uses Redux for state management and dispatching actions.
  • The chat feedback status is stored in the chatbotConfig object within the chatflow data.
  • When saved, the configuration is updated via an API call to updateChatflow.

Error Handling

If an error occurs while saving the settings, an error message will be displayed with the following information:

  • The reason for the failure (e.g., network error, server error)
  • Any specific error message returned by the server

Security Implications

Enabling chat feedback allows users to provide input on the quality of the chatbot's responses. This can be valuable for improving the chatbot's performance, but it also opens a channel for user input. Ensure that any feedback data is handled securely and in compliance with relevant data protection regulations.