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Allowed Domains

The AllowedDomains component is a crucial part of the chatbot configuration interface. It allows administrators to control and manage the domains from which the chatbot can be accessed.


This component serves two main purposes:

  1. Domain Restriction: It enables you to specify which domains are allowed to use your chatbot.
  2. Custom Error Message: It allows you to set a custom error message for unauthorized domain access attempts.


Allowed Domains List

  • Add Domains: You can add multiple domains where your chatbot is allowed to run.
  • Remove Domains: Each domain entry can be removed individually.
  • Format: Domains should be entered in the format

Error Message Customization

  • You can set a custom error message that will be displayed when someone tries to access the chatbot from an unauthorized domain.

How to Use

  1. Adding Allowed Domains:

    • Enter the full URL of the allowed domain (e.g., in the input field.
    • Click the '+' icon to add more domain fields if needed.
  2. Removing Domains:

    • Click the trash icon next to any domain to remove it from the list.
  3. Setting Custom Error Message:

    • Enter your desired error message in the "Error Message" field.
    • This message will be shown to users who try to access the chatbot from unauthorized domains.
  4. Saving Changes:

    • After making your desired changes, click the "Save" button to apply the settings.

Important Notes

  • Ensure that all domains where you intend to use the chatbot are listed.
  • The chatbot will only function on the domains specified in this list.
  • If no domains are specified, the chatbot may be inaccessible.
  • Changes take effect immediately after saving.

Security Implications

This feature enhances the security of your chatbot by restricting its usage to specific domains, preventing unauthorized embedding or access from unintended websites.