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IfElse Function


The IfElse Function is a powerful utility node in AnswerAI that allows you to create conditional logic within your workflows. This node evaluates a condition and directs the flow based on whether the condition is true or false.

Key Benefits

  • Create dynamic, branching workflows based on specific conditions
  • Implement custom logic using JavaScript functions
  • Easily integrate with other nodes and variables in your AnswerAI workflow

How to Use

  1. Add the IfElse Function node to your canvas in the AnswerAI Studio.
  2. Configure the node's settings: a. Input Variables (optional): Define any variables you want to use in your functions. b. IfElse Name (optional): Give your condition a descriptive name. c. If Function: Write a JavaScript function that returns true or false. d. Else Function: Write a JavaScript function to execute if the If condition is false.
  3. Connect the node's outputs ("True" and "False") to the appropriate next steps in your workflow.

Ifelse Function Example & Drop UI

Writing Functions

Both the If and Else functions should return a value. Here's an example of how to write these functions:

If Function:

if ('hello' == 'hello') {
return true

Else Function:

return false

Tips and Best Practices

  1. Use meaningful variable names to make your functions more readable.
  2. Leverage the $input variable to access the input passed to the node.
  3. Utilize $vars to access variables from previous nodes in the workflow.
  4. Use $flow to access information about the current chatflow, session, and input.
  5. Keep your functions simple and focused on a single condition or task.


  1. Syntax Errors: Ensure your JavaScript code is valid and free of syntax errors.
  2. Undefined Variables: Check that all variables used in your functions are properly defined or passed as input variables.
  3. Incorrect Output: Verify that your functions are returning the expected values (true/false for the If function, and the desired output for both functions).

Ifelse Function Example & Drop UI

Remember, the IfElse Function node is a powerful tool for creating dynamic workflows in AnswerAI. By mastering its use, you can create sophisticated, responsive chatbots and applications that adapt to various conditions and user inputs.