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Chat Prompt Template


The Chat Prompt Template node allows you to create structured prompts for chat-based AI interactions. It combines a system message and a human message to guide the AI's behavior and provide context for the conversation.

Key Benefits

  • Customize AI behavior with specific system instructions
  • Create reusable templates for consistent chat interactions
  • Easily incorporate dynamic values into your prompts

How to Use

  1. Add the Chat Prompt Template node to your AnswerAI canvas.

  2. Configure the node with the following inputs:

    a. System Message:

    • Enter the instructions or context for the AI assistant.
    • Use curly braces to denote variables (e.g., {input_language}).

    b. Human Message:

    • Enter the template for the user's input.
    • Use curly braces to denote variables (e.g., {text}).

    c. Format Prompt Values (optional):

    • Provide a JSON object with key-value pairs for the variables used in your prompts.
  3. Connect the Chat Prompt Template node to other nodes in your workflow.

Chat Prompt Template Node & Drop UI

Tips and Best Practices

  • Use clear and specific language in your system message to guide the AI's behavior effectively.
  • Keep your human message template simple and focused on the core input you want to process.
  • When using variables, ensure that the keys in your Format Prompt Values JSON match the variable names in your prompts.
  • Test your prompt template with various inputs to ensure it produces the desired results consistently.


  1. Issue: Invalid JSON error in Format Prompt Values Solution: Ensure that your JSON is properly formatted. Use double quotes for keys and string values, and avoid trailing commas.

  2. Issue: Variables not being replaced in the prompt Solution: Double-check that the variable names in your prompts match the keys in your Format Prompt Values JSON exactly.

Example Usage

Here's an example of how to set up a Chat Prompt Template for a language translation assistant:

System Message:

You are a helpful assistant that translates \{input_language\} to \{output_language\}.

Human Message:


Format Prompt Values:

"input_language": "English",
"output_language": "Spanish",
"text": "Hello, how are you?"

This setup will create a prompt that instructs the AI to act as a translator from English to Spanish, with the text "Hello, how are you?" as the input to be translated.

Chat Prompt Template Node In Workflow & Drop UI

By using the Chat Prompt Template node, you can create flexible and powerful prompts that adapt to various use cases in your AnswerAI workflows.