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Getting Help with AnswerAI

We understand that you might need assistance while using AnswerAI. We've provided several ways for you to get help, report issues, and connect with our community. Here are the primary methods to get support:

1. In-App Support Sidekick

The quickest way to get help is by using our in-app Support Sidekick. This AI-powered assistant is available directly within the AnswerAI application and can answer many of your questions instantly.

  • Look for the Support Sidekick icon in the bottom right corner of the application.
  • Click on it to open the chat interface.
  • Type your question or describe your issue, and the Sidekick will provide immediate assistance.

2. Join Our Discord Community

For more in-depth discussions, community support, and direct interaction with our team, join our Discord server:

  • Join the AnswerAI Discord: Discord Invite Link
  • Introduce yourself in the #general channel.
  • Ask questions in the #support channel for community and team assistance.
  • Share your ideas and feedback in the #feedback channel.

3. Submit Feedback and Bug Reports

We value your feedback and want to know about any bugs you encounter. You can submit these through our Airtable form:

  • Access our feedback and bug report form: Airtable Form Link
  • Provide as much detail as possible about your feedback or the bug you've encountered.
  • Include screenshots or screen recordings if applicable.

4. GitHub Issues

For technical issues or feature requests, you can also use our GitHub repository:

  • Visit our GitHub Issues page: AnswerAI GitHub Issues
  • Search existing issues to see if your problem has already been reported.
  • If not, create a new issue with a clear title and detailed description.
  • Follow the issue template if provided.

Best Practices for Getting Help

  1. Be specific: Clearly describe your problem or question.
  2. Provide context: Include relevant details about your environment, AnswerAI version, and steps to reproduce the issue.
  3. Be patient: Our community and team are here to help, but responses may not always be immediate.
  4. Pay it forward: Once you've received help, consider assisting others in the community when you can.

We're committed to providing you with the best possible support. Don't hesitate to reach out through any of these channels when you need assistance!