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Chains are one of the main starting points for every new LLM route, chatbot, and application being developed in AnswerAI, alongside agents and sidekick teams. They form a crucial foundation for creating sophisticated AI-powered solutions.


In the context of large language models and AI applications, "chains" refer to sequences of operations or conversation turns. These chains are used to manage the flow of information, maintain context, and orchestrate complex tasks involving language models and other components.

Key Concepts

  1. Conversation Management: Chains store and manage conversation history and context for chatbots and language models, enabling coherent and contextually relevant responses.

  2. Task Orchestration: Chains can be used to break down complex tasks into a series of smaller, manageable steps, allowing for more sophisticated AI behaviors.

  3. Flexible Integration: Chains can incorporate various components such as language models, vector stores, APIs, and databases, making them versatile for different use cases.

  4. Context Preservation: By maintaining a history of interactions or operations, chains ensure that the AI system understands the broader context of a conversation or task.

Importance in AnswerAI

Chains play a crucial role in AnswerAI for several reasons:

  1. Starting Point for Development: When creating new LLM routes, chatbots, or applications, chains often serve as the initial framework, providing a structured way to design the flow of information and operations.

  2. Customization and Flexibility: AnswerAI offers various types of chains that can be combined and customized to suit specific use cases, from simple question-answering to complex multi-step reasoning.

  3. Integration with Other Components: Chains in AnswerAI can easily integrate with other powerful features like vector stores, APIs, and databases, enabling the creation of sophisticated AI solutions.

  4. Scalability: As your AI applications grow in complexity, chains provide a scalable architecture that can be extended and modified to accommodate new features and capabilities.

Types of Chains in AnswerAI

AnswerAI offers a variety of chain types to suit different needs:

Each of these chains serves specific purposes and can be combined to create powerful AI applications.

Getting Started

To begin using chains in AnswerAI:

  1. Identify the type of task or application you want to build.
  2. Choose the appropriate chain type(s) that best suit your needs.
  3. Configure the chain with the necessary components (e.g., language models, vector stores, knowledge bases, etc).
  4. Test and iterate on your chain to refine its performance.

By leveraging chains effectively, you can create sophisticated, context-aware AI applications that can handle a wide range of tasks and interactions.